Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stats and The Day After!

Weight: 165.0
BMI: 27.5

Yahoo!!!! I'm so happy :-) Unlike my last Horrid Halloween Post, this holiday centered around candy and food actually was a wild success for me! I didn't deprive myself and I did indeed eat a few treats, but I didn't go crazy overkill either. What an awesome feeling to know that I can have my cake and eat it too... but I'll just eat a slice instead of the whole darn pan!

In my head, everything is so logical and easy - eating healthy, exercising, being a perfect mother, organizing and keeping a lovely home, being a spiritual giant... But in real life, things don't go quite as smoothly as I think they should and I often am way too hard on myself. I need to celebrate the small success in life and when I look for them, I realize they are very, very abundant. I am so blessed and thankful to be a happy, healthy daughter of God. Today I'm going to go exercise with a friend and we're going to try to get a regular thing going. That will help me quite a bit, because so far I've just been watching my diet (which actually is the more important part of diet and exercise) but I know if combine the two, I'll see amazing results!

Ya know, it's just funny - I've lost weight before. Several times, in fact! I know what it takes. I know how to get it done. It's just so hard to do it sometimes. It makes me think of the gospel and our lives here on earth. I know what Heavenly Father expects of me. I know what is required of me to gain salvation and eternal life. So why is it so hard to do those things sometimes? Especially when I have a clear understanding of the magnificent reward in store. But alas, that is the plan... to see if I can do hard things. My dear friend Camie gave me a necklace for Christmas that says "I was born to do this." I wear it constantly to remind me that, YES!!! I WAS born to do this - to be a mother, to live the gospel, to do hard things. And I can and will! By celebrating the small successes and taking small steps toward my goals. That was a Happy Valentine's Day indeed! :-)

Monday, February 13, 2012


Weight: 166.2
BMI: 27.7

I've done pretty good at recording what I've been eating for the last week or so and I am feeling a little better about myself. I am ready to try hard, and I hope I can stick with it!