Sunday, October 2, 2011

I'm back!

Well, it was a rough, but wonderful weekend. Even though it's no excuse, having my computer down was extra hard on my efforts to eat well... I didn't have DietPower or my blog to help me out. Darn. Plus it was conference weekend, which means treats, etc. Mark was in town for the BYU vs. USU football game, which meant lots of food. And Bill was out of town running the St. George marathon, so I didn't' get any exercise time in. Double Darn. Yeah, so it wasn't the greatest.

But I've had a few little miracles (like getting the computer running again and seeing Mark down 45 lbs!!!) that leave me ready to get some good sleep tonight and jump back on the bandwagon tomorrow. I have a feeling that weekends are going to continue to be rough, but let me just say that I am SOOOOOOO grateful that my computer is working again. I know it shouldn't make that big of a difference, but it does.

So until tomorrow.... current stats and maybe and exercise report. I'm considering starting P90x already. Do you think I'm ready???

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